"Erp publications" Publications

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ERP Selection & Change Management. What Is Important in Project Work?

3 min
ERP - Publications

How You Can Calculate Beautifully with Excel

Why working outside ERP software and BI systems with spreadsheet programs ...

Digitalisation - Publications

Master Data Management - Aspects of Practical Implementation (Part 3)

The practical implementation of an MDM approach is associated with special ...

ERP - Publications


The end of classic ERP systems - can it really be so? How do you choose ...

ERP - Publications

Cloud ERP or self-hosted ERP? A comparison.

Cloud ERP and on-premise ERP (in-house hosted ERP software & ...

ERP - Publications

What you need to know before you purchase software licences

Buying software licences - legal aspects you need to know about Purchasing ...

ERP - Publications

ERP Financial Accounting - Integrated or Not?

When looking for new ERP software, the question always arises as to ...

ERP - Publications

6 Tips for Process Optimisation

Companies that have set themselves the goal of introducing an ERP system ...

ERP - Publications

ERP Selection: What you need to Consider

One of the most important points of any digital transformation is the time ...

ERP - Publications

Requirements Specification Vs Functional Specification

Again and again, specifications and functional specifications are used ...

ERP - Publications

ERP and CRM - When Should You Choose Which System?

The search for suitable ERP, CRM (and their unique differences) - occupies ...

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