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Corona & Project Work - How Does it Still Work?

Dr. Harald Dreher By: Dr. Harald DreherMar 16, 2021

Current lockdown - how can you still realise necessary I.T. and ERP projects? Infographic and checklists for download show how it can still be done.

Visit restrictions, reduction of personal contacts, home office and restrictions on collaboration where teams physically meet and work together are new challenges for most companies. The challenges lie on the one hand in the organisational and on the other hand in the technical environment.


Corona and Project Work – Organisational Framework Conditions

What is becoming clear at the moment and especially in times of partial lockdowns or partial shutdowns:
Many companies, public administrations and public corporations still have some catching up to do in terms of digitalisation.

This also becomes clear in important (core) processes that are essential for a company or public administration and have not yet been brought to mobile, remote or home office readiness.

In retail, it is clear that those companies that can communicate with the customer on several channels in customer management will probably come out of the crisis better. Mostly, these are channels associated with e-commerce and online trade.

A statement by 'Bitkom' President Achim Berg a short time ago: "The Corona crisis has shown us very clearly the importance of digital technologies for business, administration and society. The crisis is a wake-up call to now massively push ahead with digitisation. In the past, we took too much time with digitalisation. Now we have to build digital infrastructure, comprehensively digitise business processes and develop new, digital business models.

Technical Framework Conditions

Working in a home office or remotely requires a certain technical infrastructure. In the simplest case, this requires a device that allows mobile working. Certainly, this is possible to a modest extent with a standard mobile phone. But to be able to work seriously, at least a tablet with a keyboard or better a laptop is necessary.

Those who work on one or even two large screens in the company will lose productivity if they only have to work with a laptop on 13- or, in the case of larger models, 15-inch monitors. Therefore, basic technical equipment is important. This also includes a bandwidth of the available internet that is appropriate to the requirements.


Questions About I.T. Security are Becoming Increasingly Relevant.

In the context of the home office or remote working methods currently practised by many companies, we have noticed that the issue of I.T. security is not always guaranteed. 

Especially when using home networks and routers, or one's own mobile devices, unimagined gateways for third-party and malware open up, which can paralyse entire company networks. We have created a large section on I.T. security in an article on I.T. Trends 2020. Read the forecasts with this link.


How we Help Our Clients

Corona and Project Work– What do we do?

For our website visitors, we have created a publication on the topic of "Home Office".


Remote Work - What is Correct?


In it, you will learn more about the necessary working methods, get help on programmes that are worth using, occupational health and safety and I.T. security.

In addition, we have put together a free, clear infographic on the topic of remote work and home office for you. You can obtain it here:


Download Infografik Homeoffice


For several years we have been using tools where we directly involve our clients in our projects in closed project rooms. This has come from the approach that we wanted to access and work on our projects 24/7 and from anywhere in the world.

Corona and Project Work - Video Conferencing

We have been working with web conferencing systems for over 10 years. However, one experience is important for us and our clients: a web conference is (actually) nothing more than a telephone call with video. Now and then it is also used to transmit presentations. But this is far too little for serious project work.

We use interactive project rooms when working with our clients on projects.
In the course of many international projects that we have worked on over the years, we have been able to gain a lot of experience. Project members working halfway around the world and in different time zones are a special challenge. Therefore, we know the advantages and disadvantages of many I.T. solutions for project work. Requirements for coordination, comments and general communication, as well as the definition of measures to achieve the project goal, are an important task of project management. A normal, presence-based project management for I.T. or ERP projects is already difficult, but at a distance it is a great challenge to the project manager. All our project managers have this experience and can bring it directly into the project work.

Project Work at a Distance Requires Different Preparation

We have found that project performance can only be ensured if all participants have dealt with the documents. Therefore, we have set up workflows that provide the participants with all the necessary documents in clearly defined pre-workshop phases. This is done automatically on the basis of the project plan. A constant follow-up of the project status is ensured by the IT we use. Automatic project evaluations triggered by robots are available to the participants and help to initiate measures immediately and in real time in the event of deviations.

This also enables us to react quickly to project participants who drop out or are prevented from working. In our project dashboards, we can immediately see the impact on the project in the event of a project member's absence and can immediately reschedule.

Our consultants are fully equipped for mobile working. Access to all project data 24/7 from anywhere in the world is a matter of course for us. In the event of a crisis, we also provide our clients with mobile devices so that they can work on the project without interruption.


Project work during Corona is not for Amateurs - Ask Experts with Experience

If you want to know more, just contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions. Our expertise is based on the experience of the Covid-19 limitations over the last year and working with clients and their experiences in dealing with remote work or home office.


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